Friday 27 September 2024

SL Club Attendances: 2000-24 vs 2024

I mentioned in the preceding article that attendances don't move around that much season by season but what about over a longer period. From the year 2000 until 2024 for example? The good news is I've done that here, comparing 2024 with all years including 2000 through to 2024.

It seems that the change in the number of fans turning up to games hasn't been that pronounced. At least there has been a general increase. The total figure has gone from an average per week of 8,662 to 9,166 or an increase of 5.8%. The somewhat narrow and repetitive nature of a small league with loop fixtures may not be helping. A feeling of ever decreasing circles. 

Despite that, growth has at least taken place. Only three clubs in the 2024 SL have experienced a drop in attendees for 2024, compared to the century as a whole. Some clubs that were at times present in SL haven't been added if they weren't there in 2024 but they are included in the total average figure. 

Hull KR has done very well in 2024 compared with their historical number. Perhaps surprisingly so has London considering its modest average for the season just concluded. The sooner Huddersfield can get into a more suitable stadium, the expectation that fans will return in greater numbers will then be realised. One can but hope.

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